Go Visit Zombies Uncensored!

My Husband’s been real busy over at his new blog, Zombies Uncensored.  Linked in the sidebar, Yo.

Zombies Uncensored is exposing the crazy in politics and life.

I worked very hard on the design, and he’s working very hard on the content. I’m proud of what he’s doing. If anybody can go over there and show a little support, it would mean a great deal to me.

My Baby Moved Out

It was harder than I thought. I figured I’m not over-involved with my kids, so empty nest would be no sweat. It’s been coming and going in waves. She’s about 12 hours away now, which is probably the hardest part. If she could come over every week for a visit or something, I don’t think it would feel the same. I’d probably have some sentimental moments, but it wouldn’t feel quite so hard.

I’ve done this before and it was hard, but in a totally different way. The other kid always steeled herself for moving out by complete disconnect emotionally before the fact for months. It hurt like Hell, but a totally different type of pain.

I’m happy for her, though, because she wants to live a grown up life and be on her own now, and I want for her to thrive. She’s kind, smart and funny, and she’s sane and sensible. She knows what boundaries are and how to love. I’ve given her the best start I knew how to, and I hope it will be enough to smooth her path.

That’s where my head and heart is at today: wishing my baby the best as she moves into her new life.  That was then…this is now.

Bailey Says Goodbye

Working Hard

I am, you know. Lots of extra work, so not a lot of time for philosophizing and reflection and such. If that’s good or bad, I don’t know. Just is, I guess.

Finding irony in that my daughter has discovered motivation on her way out. Feeling both excited for her moving into her “adult life” and sad for me since she’s going to be far away, very soon.

Some stress in my life now, but am handling it pretty fairly thusfar. Just part of being an adult, you know? Living and happy, and that makes good.

Peace out. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season. I’m sure trying to do the same.
Creative Commons License photo credit: id-iom